Show HN: Covid-19 mortality rates per 100k persons If anyone is interested in how their state or country is doing per capita. These are the latest Covid-19 mortality rates per 100,000 persons. Accurate as of roughly between midday April 4th, to early April 5th (different reporting times for each location). Spain 26, Italy 25, Belgium 12.5, France 11.2, the Netherlands 10.3, Switzerland 8, UK 7.6, Sweden 3.9, Denmark 3.1, Portugal 2.9, Ireland 2.8, United States 2.6, Austria 2.3, Germany 1.8, Norway, 1.3, Canada 0.7, Greece 0.68, Israel 0.55, Finland 0.51, South Korea 0.35, Australia 0.14, Japan 0.06, New Zealand ~0 Wisconsin 0.97, Florida 0.9, Alabama 0.9, Maryland 0.88, Kentucky 0.88, Ohio 0.87, South Carolina 0.78, Maine 0.76, Arizona 0.73, Kansas 0.72, California 0.7, New Hampshire 0.69, Alaska 0.68, Tennessee 0.64, Oregon 0.62, Virginia 0.61, Idaho 0.58, Montana 0.56, New Mexico 0.52, Arkansas 0.46, Iowa 0.45, Minnesota 0.43, Nebraska 0.42, Missouri 0.39, North Dakota 0.39, Texas 0.37, Hawaii 0.28, Utah 0.25, North Carolina 0.23, South Dakota 0.23, West Virginia 0.11 Massachusetts 3.1, Vermont 3.1, Colorado 2.2, Georgia 2, Indiana 1.9, Illinois 1.9, Rhode Island 1.6, Nevada 1.5, Delaware 1.4, Mississippi 1.2, Pennsylvania 1, Oklahoma 1 New York 21, New Jersey 9.5, Louisiana 8.7, Michigan 5.4, Connecticut 4.5, Washington 4.1 April 6, 2020 at 12:19AM
Show HN: CubeWeaver, a collaborative multidimensional web-based spreadsheet June 2, 2020 at 03:07PM
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