Show HN: Airspace – async communication for remote teams Hi HN, I've been working on Airspace: It emails your team once each day (at the start of their working day, in their timezone) to ask what they're working on. Then it keeps all the answers in one place for everyone on the team to see. Team members can also discuss work (organised by projects), and all of these discussions are async. Real-time chat has its place, but I personally find it quite interruptive and can pull my focus away from deep work. I built Airspace to help remote teams work on their schedule, and to give them the freedom that comes with having long stretches of uninterrupted, focused time. I'd love to know what you think. May 25, 2020 at 06:37PM
Show HN: CubeWeaver, a collaborative multidimensional web-based spreadsheet June 2, 2020 at 03:07PM
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