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Show HN: I build during the coronavirus lockdowns – a new code editor

Show HN: I build during the coronavirus lockdowns – a new code editor TL;DR: During the coronavirus lockdowns I built a new kind of code editor - a notebook-like development environment inspired by the awesome teachings of Bret Victor. Check it out: Quick backstory: I've always wanted to create a different kind of code editor that encompasses several aspects of what I consider programming. I think it's started somewhere around the time Bret Victor had his famous talk - it blew my mind, seeing how he develops the game in real-time modifying variable and functions as he goes. About three months ago, as the corona lockdowns hit, the company I just recently started working at collapsed due to lack of funding. I started working on a thing . It began when I finished with my ObservableHQ Coronavirus Stats ( and wanted to extend the table with more features. Today I finally shipped what I consider truly first functional version of — a rudimentary yet-to-be-fully-defined tool that I designed in my mind for almost a decade, prototyped at least four different times in the last five years, and finally get to play with for the first time after building it for the past 3 months. I've created a quick reference example for how to update the cell value from the react component - check it out here: — it might serve you as a good point to get an idea how to interact with as the documentation is non-existing at this point. Any and all comments, suggestions, and recommendations are welcome. May 31, 2020 at 01:02AM


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