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Show HN: Cloud Native Web Development – I self-published my first book

Show HN: Cloud Native Web Development – I self-published my first book Hi, I spent the last three months writing a 200+ page book, with 19 corresponding pull requests. It's a hands-on guidebook on how to develop a cloud-native web application based on technologies I am familiar with. Svelte, Tailwind CSS,,, Firebase & Google Cloud at a high-level. The goal was to walk through the entire end-to-end process, from zero to production! It walks through building a foundation needed to develop on top of. CI / CD, testing, feature toggles, production monitoring, etc. To write it, I used Google Docs and had two git repositories: one to experiment and one that contains the final source code - where the git commit history looks like I never struggled :-). AMA on self-publishing or the book's topic itself! June 28, 2020 at 11:26PM


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