Show HN: My brother wrote this program from jail Hi HN!, My brother got a 5 years jail sentence but is coming out soon, a few months ago he decided to learn to code with no prior experience. I find the way he is studying very inspirational so decided to post his (simple) program. But first, here is what he needs to go through to learn: - We the family send him javascript and html books - He studies them and writes programs in pen and paper - He calls me so I input what he wrote on my computer and we debug it live via a phone call, he has to imagine the program in his head. The crazy part is up until a few days ago he didn't have access to a computer. However! another inmate has an upcoming trial and because the contents of his trial contain to many papers, they provided this inmate with a simple laptop (no internet). My brother is not allowed to touch this laptop and he can only see this inmate 1 hour a day, so he convinced the inmate to sit next to him for my brother to tell him what to type, the other inmate types in the html+js on a notepad file and this way my brother can finally see his programs on a screen after months of only imagining how to program. Here is the program we wrote today: My dream is for this to get some traction so when he calls I can tell him his program has users :) August 20, 2020 at 06:35AM
Show HN: CubeWeaver, a collaborative multidimensional web-based spreadsheet June 2, 2020 at 03:07PM
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