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Show HN: WunderGraph – Aggregate REST and GraphQL APIs, Add AuthN/Z and Caching

Show HN: WunderGraph – Aggregate REST and GraphQL APIs, Add AuthN/Z and Caching Hey, I'm Jens, founder of WunderGraph. Over the years of working with REST & GraphQL APIs, I found that some aspects of using it are way too complicated. Here's a list of problems I believe could be abstracted away: - Aggregating multiple GraphQL, REST, etc. APIs into a simple to use API (Backend for Frontend) without writing code - adding Authentication & Authorization to APIs you don't have full control over - adding efficient and easy to use Caching to GraphQL APIs without writing code - adding persisted queries for security and performance reasons without making my application code and deployment process more complex Companies like Facebook, who are concerned about security and performance, use persisted Queries and don't expose their GraphQL API directly to the public. While developing they write their Queries using Relay and persist (whitelist) them at compile time. At least that's my understanding from their blog posts and conference talks. WunderGraph takes this approach to the next level by turning the flow around. Relay, Apollo, URQL, etc. are very complex pieces of software because of the dynamic nature of GraphQL. With WunderGraph we define all Operations in GraphiQL "on the server" and then generate a very simple client from it. In a nutshell, Queries become simple GET requests with variables as query parameters, Mutations still are POST requests but just with variables as the body. A more in depth explanation including an example can be found here: More info & docs: For those who like to watch videos, here's a general overview: Here's a full 26m tutorial with React & Typescript that helps to start from scratch: August 31, 2020 at 02:06PM


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